GORUCK American Training Shirt CrossFit WOD apparel Assault Bike
Gym Equipment

Rogue Echo Bike is the Official Air Bike of CrossFit

Let’s look at the Rogue Echo Bike. It’s not just the best air bike you can buy – it’s also now the official air bike of CrossFit! After six years of reigning, the AssaultBike from Assault Fitness lost its title as The Official Air Bike of CrossFit to Echo Bike from Rogue. The Rogue Echo Bike is not an ordinary spin bike, and it is many steps ahead of your ordinary air bikes. It is a sophisticated fan bike packed with unique innovations and built for severe home gym owners. Let’s find out why CrossFit chose Echo Bike as its Official Bike for the following competitions. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Rogue Echo Bike – Overview The Rogue Echo Bike blends heavy-duty steel, precision engineering, and handy customization to produce a more powerful, sturdier fan bike. The Echo Bike is not the quivering kind of exercise bike – it has an augmented steel structure that gives it the rigor and balance to eliminate wobbles and bumps during even max output bursts. The fan [Read more …]

Rogue BlenderBottle® Classic™ red white blue
Gym Equipment

More CrossFit Stocking Stuffers

Here’s even more ideas you can use for CrossFit Stocking Stuffers. Christmas is still six months away but preparing early will save you time and the hassle of last-minute buying. We gathered different stocking stuffers that you can get as early as now for Christmas gifts to family and friends or something to give them now just because. Here’s some of the great gift ideas we are going to look at: CrossFit Stocking Stuffers – Overview Admit it or not, stocking stuffers are a Christmas tradition that can be extremely tough and stressful to do, especially when you are not prepared. But since we are still halfway through the year, you still have plenty of time to think about what to stuff in your stockings. They don’t necessarily have to be inside the stockings – you can wrap them nicely and put them under the Christmas tree for a delightful surprise. Here are some gift ideas from Rogue that your loved ones will surely cherish as they are very practical and functional. Rogue Ohio Lifting Straps The Rogue Ohio Lifting [Read more …]

Rogue MIL Pull-up Station pull up 4
Gym Equipment

Gear Up for the Murph Challenge

Let’s look at equipment options for the Murph Challenge. Get ready to join thousands of Crossfitters around the world for this year’s The Murph Challenge – one of the most challenging and most heinous workouts in the world of CrossFit. The challenge includes a one-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, and another one-mile run. Here are the pieces of equipment you will need if you are planning to join the challenge. Got pull-up bar and plate carrier? If not, keep reading. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Gym Equipment for the Murph Challenge – Overview The Murph Challenge is a Hero WOD in remembrance of LT. Michael P. Murphy for his efforts and sacrificial acts during the War in Afghanistan. He received the US military’s highest award, the Medal of Honor, and was the first member of the United States Navy to earn the award since the Vietnam War. The exercises in the Murph Challenge were LT. Murphy’s favorite workout and these are not easy exercises. While doing the exercises in the [Read more …]

Fringe Sport Bomba Barbell V3 - Black 20kg Mens sleeve
Gym Equipment

Bomba Bar V3 from Fringe Sport

Here’s the brand new Bomba Barbell V3 from Fringe Sport. It is very common to see a barbell in a commercial gym or home garage. It is one of the most plain-looking pieces of equipment in the gym, but it’s also one of the most complicated to use. There are also different kinds of barbell, and each one has multiple purposes and benefits. Using different barbells gives you variety and makes your training fun and interesting. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Bomba Barbell V3 from Fringe Sport – Overview There are plenty of barbell options in the market from various respectable brands, and it can be hard sometimes to choose what to get. There are also different types of barbells and several specific features that should be considered. Investing in a good-quality barbell will save you time and money without distraction from your training. Barbell training is popular with anyone who wants to build muscles, become bigger, stronger, healthier, and better-looking because it is very straightforward. The main lifts with barbells are Deadlifts, [Read more …]

Nike Weightlifting Singlet women blue
Workout Apparel

Nike Weightlifting Singlets from Rogue

Need a Weightlifting Singlet? Rogue has many options – from Nike. You’ve probably seen many trainees in the gym doing powerlifting or weightlifting. While you won’t see them wearing singlets in the gym, you probably would if you see them in competitions. They’re not very flattering to wear, but judges at weightlifting competitions need to see their legs clearly to assess them properly. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Weightlifting Singlets – Overview The singlet is an essential one-piece, tight-fitting athletic garment for sports like weightlifting, powerlifting, and wrestling. A singlet presents the judging panel with a clear view of your body. When you’re squatting at a competition, you are judged by how low you can go and the extent of your squat compared to your knees. Most singlets are composed of polyester, nylon, and lycra, making singlets very tight fitting. Sizing your singlet depends on factors like height, weight, rules of the corresponding federation, and personal preference. Most companies will give a powerlifting singlet size chart to assist you in choosing the proper [Read more …]

Rogue HD Bar Jack header with plates
Gym Equipment

Deadlift Bar Jacks

Let’s review Deadlift Bar Jacks from Rogue. The deadlift has many benefits, and it is one of the best exercises that you can do to build muscles and increase cardio endurance. But loading and unloading the bar can be a major nuisance. To make your life a lot easier, Deadlift Bar Jacks are made. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Rogue Deadlift Bar Jack Minireview Here’s a review of the Deadlift Bar Jack from Rogue: Deadlift Bar Jack – Overview Deadlifting is raising a loaded barbell up and putting it back down. The deadlift will challenge and test your strength and durability, and in challenging you, you’ll gain more strength and stamina. Regular training of deadlifts will benefit you in everyday life as it is also a form of functional fitness. A deadlift bar jack may not be in your mind when it comes to fitness equipment but if you are in weightlifting and regularly load and unload plates, getting a bar jack is an excellent idea to save you time. Rogue Fitness manufactures [Read more …]

Nike Free Metcon 4 Shoe Review (6)
CrossFit Shoes

Nike Free Metcon 4 Review

Let’s review the Nike Free Metcon 4. If you can combine flexibility and stability in one shoe for your training shoe, will you settle for anything less? The new Nike Free Metcon 4 offers both, adding a fantastic look from the ’90s. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Let’s take a look at this new shoe. Nike Free Metcon 4 – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Nike Free Metcon 4 – Overview Nike Free was created to copy the qualities of running barefoot on grass and was first launched in 2004. This gives an athlete the ability to run naturally using technology that promotes natural motion. Metcon is known for its excellent stability and durability for functional movement. It keeps on evolving but still focusing on strength, agility, and endurance. Combining the two formed the Nike Free Metcon 4. It blends flexibility with stability to help you get the most out of your training program. It has a modernized [Read more …]

GORUCK Events Like the GORUCK challenge or Cloverleaf Event 4


Let’s take a look at GORUCK Events. What are GORUCK events? GORUCK events give you an opportunity to challenge yourself, physically and mentally. There’s events that provide advanced training too. GORUCK is more than making the best and the toughest rucking gear. They are also into empowering real-world communities in service to something greater than themselves through grueling training, GORUCK Clubs, and tough physical challenges. GORUCK offers many different event types. Here’s some of the events we are going to look at: Let’s look at each event type in detail. GORUCK Events – Overview First, some terminology. Ruck is short for rucksack, which is military slang for a backpack. Why such an endless focus on the rucksack and rucking? Rucking is the foundation of Special Forces physical training, and it requires going the distance and carrying your gear with you. That’s the number one way to move troops in the military. It’s a great workout too. It’s a low-impact activity that can be done by a broad range of trainees – and it’s super practical too. GORUCK is into promoting [Read more …]

Sole Fitness E95 Elliptical back model
Gym Equipment

Sole Ellipticals

Let’s review Elliptical machines from Sole Fitness. The elliptical machine is one of the most prominent cardio machines at the gym and a top pick for home workout equipment. It is a low-impact machine that targets your lower and upper body while providing several benefits. Some prefer to use an elliptical over a treadmill because the former is kinder on their hips, knees, and back. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Sole Ellipticals- Overview Maybe you are torn between getting a treadmill and an elliptical. To give you a little bit of comparison, a treadmill is a machine that gives you the ability to run or walk on a moving belt instead of going outside. An elliptical has pedals hung above the ground and are driven forward and back, or up and down, on a track. Both are cardio machines. A treadmill can build up your bones with more pacing and interval options, and the elliptical is lower-impact and gentler on joints. There is a higher chance of knee, ankle, and hip fractures in [Read more …]

Sole Fitness LCR Recumbent Bike with model
Gym Equipment

Sole Indoor Bikes

Let’s review Sole Bikes. When it comes to fitness, there are now many options to be physically fit and healthy. Your physical capabilities, interests, and end goals influence the activity you wish to do. Others choose to workout without using any equipment, but having one can make a radical change to your health and body. An indoor bike is one piece of equipment that can make you drip with sweat while giving you impressive benefits. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: Sole Bikes – Overview Because of our current situation, going out becomes risky, and it has lessened the time we spend outside. Good thing we can still break a sweat and stay fit in the comfort of our homes with the invention of fitness equipment like indoor bikes. Indoor bikes have many long-term benefits, both physically and mentally. Using them helps minimize stress and increase your body’s capacity to resist and recover from anxiety. If you have one at home, you can do it whenever you want because of its convenience, and it is [Read more …]