Reebok Nano X Cross-Trainer Shoe Review
Reebok has launched the 10th iteration of their CrossFit training shoe – the Reebok Nano X is now available worldwide. What’s new and improved in this cross training shoe? That’s what we’ve evaluated in our hands-on review. Read on to find out the details… YO! Why are you looking at the Reebok Nano X? This shoe is now 3 years old. Check out our Reebok Nano X2 review. The X2 is the successor to the Nano X. (There was an X1, but the X2 is better all around). Here’s some of the launch styles that are available now: Let’s take a look. Reebok Nano X Shoe Review – On Our YouTube Channel We’ve got two hands-on video overviews of this shoe on our YouTube channel: And this video compares it directly (and in-depth) to the Reebok Nano 9. Reebok Nano X Shoe Review – What’s New and Improved? Let’s start by calling out the differences with this shoe as compared to the Reebok Nano 9 (last year’s official CrossFit training shoe.) The visible change is the upper (the part that [Read more …]