Bonehead Ruck Weights from Fringe Sport
Liven up your ruck march with the new Bonehead Ruck Weight Plates. Rucking is an excellent alternative to anyone who wants to develop strength and cardio capacity but doesn’t want jumping and running in their workout. Rucking is as simple as putting on the right rucksack/backpack with the proper rucking weight plates and walking around your town or anywhere. What’s a ruck weight plate? It’s a weight that fits in your rucksack AKA backpack. Fringe Sport shook up the bumper plate game by launching their comical line of Olympic plates – and now they are bringing the same vibe to the rucking crowd. Here are some of the sizes that are availble now: Bonehead Ruck Weight Plates – Overview How to commence with rucking? Start light. If you are a 200-pound man, start with 20 pounds of weight plate in your rucksack. From there, you can add more pounds after a week until you move up to 50 pounds. Making your rucking a fun activity is important for you to keep going. Walking along with your dog is one way [Read more …]