Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More
Gym Equipment

Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More

Let’s look at some specialty weight lifting gear – the Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More from Rogue Fitness. Free weights are functional training tools that can bring substance to your training and help you get stronger and leaner. Using different tools gives more impact and more possibility of reaching your fitness goals than simply sticking to one tool. Here are some of the zany looking workout implements from Mutt we’ll showcase: Let’s get right to it. Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More – Overview Free weights are more conducive and practical if you work out at home and deliver more performance benefits. Including them in your workout routine is a way to strengthen your muscles, burn fats, and become better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Free weights allow you to move in different directions, and your body has to work hard to keep the weight and manage the movement. This works numerous muscles at once and gives you a better balance and coordination. These and more are the benefits of using free weights. Check out these free weights from Rogue [Read more …]

Cambered Swiss Bar
Gym Equipment

Cambered Swiss Bar

Rep Fitness keeps pumping out the innovative gym equipment – and here’s their latest createion, the Cambered Swiss Bar. The Cambered Swiss Bar is a great bar to start with if you want to step up beyond a traditional barbell. The Camber allows for a potentially deeper stretch or range of motion, adds variety to your squats, and takes the pressure off the shoulders when executing squats. This bar from Rep Fitness is efficiently one of the best multi-grip barbells available on the market. Get it now – because it will probably sell out (from Rep Fitness, of course): Cambered Swiss Bar – Overview The Cambered Swiss Bar is a multi-grip barbell that is an exceptionally versatile tool for strength training. The cambered design delivers a greater range of motion, and using the different grips will enable you to target distinct muscle groups. When you use the widest grip for bench press, it will result in the hands lowering further than expected. This forms a pendulum effect because the weight is not in line with the handle for the other [Read more …]

Shorty Rackable Barbells from Rogue
Gym Equipment

Shorty Rackable Barbells from Rogue

Some people have unlimited space in their home or garage gym – but most do not. If you are in a tight space, a big long barbell can sometimes be a pain. Let’s look at shortened barbells – these barbells sacrifice some sleeve length so that they take up less room. Here’s an example – the brand-new Rogue 29mm Stump Bar – it’s a shortened Ohio bar. It’s shorter, lighter, but still fits in a standard width rack or bench. A shorter bar has many advantages, especially if you have a small space in your house or garage. And even if your barbell is small, an excellent compact barbell can still provide you with the same benefits typical barbells offer. You can also do different lifts with shorter barbells, like powerlifting, Olympic lifting, and more. Rogue has several options, including a women’s bar: Rogue 29mm Stump Bar – Overview Rogue also offers shorter barbells. These barbells are manufactured in the USA and are the shorter versions of the stainless steel Ohio Power Bar. These barbells allow you to train exactly [Read more …]

G10 and G15 All-In-One Trainers from Force USA
Gym Equipment

G10 and G15 All-In-One Trainers from Force USA

Let’s take a look at new G10 and G15 All-In-One Trainers. Nothing beats the effectiveness and versatility of a fitness trainer when it comes to strength and resistance training. It allows safe resistance training and works most of your muscle groups in the widest range of ways. Because of the cable systems this machine uses, exercises can be accomplished safely and effectively in every movement. Here’s the new equipment, available only from Force USA: New G10 and G15 All-In-One Trainers – Overview The G10 and G15 are all-in-one trainers that provide a full-body workout and have base units that combine an entire commercial gym into a single power rack footprint. They are constructed of 11 gauge rolled Steel Force tubing. They can take just about any punishment you send their way and are strong enough for use. The pin and plate-loaded of these trainers’ base units include eight strength training machines, 18 attachments, and over 375 exercise possibilities combined into one commercial-grade home gym. The G10 and G15 are perfect when your workout space is limited, you want to skip [Read more …]

Home Gym Gear from American Barbell
Gym Equipment

Home Gym Gear from American Barbell

Let’s take a look at Home Strength Equipment from American Barbell. It’s great to go to the gym, but there are times when going to the gym feels like a chore. The answer: a home gym. Having exercise equipment at home saves you time and the hassle of going to the gym every day. There are pieces of exercise equipment that are ideal even for a small space and still help you reach your fitness goals and aspired physique. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: Home Strength Equipment from American Barbell – Overview Working out at home provides you with several benefits and advantages. First, you don’t have to go through the hassle of packing your gym clothes, toiletries, and water bottle, not to mention the hassle of early traffic. You can stay in bed a little bit longer and even have more time lifting those weights. When you exercise at home, this also motivates your family to do the same. As a result, you get to bond with them, and all of you get [Read more …]

Olympic Weightlifting Equipment from Fringe Sport
Gym Equipment

Olympic Weightlifting Equipment from Fringe Sport

Let’s look at Olympic Weightlifting Equipment from Fringe Sport. Weightlifting enhances your body structure and gives you a toned figure, but more than that, it can also improve your overall health and make you a more joyful person. Weightlifting can help you reduce your risk of diabetes, burn fat, avoid back pain and even help you combat depression. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Olympic Weightlifting Equipment from Fringe Sport – Overview Weightlifting is a kind of strength training in which you use your body weight or equipment to develop muscle mass, strength, and endurance. One of the most popular equipment in strength training and weightlifting is the barbell. By doing the “Big Four” barbell exercises such as the deadlift, squat, bench press, and overhead press can already give you an overall workout because they each employ various muscle groups. This saves you time instead of doing different exercises or switching from one piece of equipment to another. Weightlifting also improves your athletic performance by strengthening your neuromuscular connection and including coordination and balance. [Read more …]

Beat the Summer Blues with a Home Gym by Rep
Gym Equipment

Beat the Summer Blues with a Home Gym by Rep

Let’s Beat the Summer Blues with some cool looking home gym equipment from Rep. Summer blues is a universal disorder. Changes and transitions are difficult, and the end of summer can be incredibly challenging for plenty of reasons. But you can beat the summer blues with a home gym by Rep Fitness. Here’s some great looking gear, that will help you beat the end of summer blues: Beat the Summer Blues – Overview Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is described as any mood disorder that happens simultaneously every year. Feeling symptoms of SAD in the summertime (summer depression or reversed SAD) is a familiar feeling for most people. The increased levels of sunlight confuse our internal clocks. The reduction in neurotransmitter melatonin is directly connected to several mood disorders, including depression. The decrease in melatonin also means that we are less inclined to get sleep, or good quality of sleep, in the summer as we do in the winter. It may not be cured completely, but we can do something to lighten up the summer blues. Having a routine can [Read more …]