Bonehead Ruck Weight Plate Review

Bonehead Ruck Weight Plate Review

Let’s review the Bonehead Ruck Weight Plates from Fringe Sport. What’s a Ruck Weight Plate? It’s a heavy weight that you put in your rucksack (aka backpack) to add resistance and therefore burn more calories when you walk, hike, or “ruck” (as it’s known in the military). Can’t you just use a barbell plate or a dumbbell? Ruck weight plates are a better option because they are a shape and size that will actually fit into your backpack. And leave you enough room to pack other important stuff. DISCLAIMER: Fringe Sport provided the equipment in this article for review. Here’s the complete set of Ruck Weight Plates that Fringe Sport has to offer: Bonehead Ruck Weight Plates – Overview The Bonehead Ruck Weight Plates are made from solid cast iron, and receive a black powdercoat finish. The most important thing about these is the weight. After all, we use plates to add resistance to work harder and grow stronger. All of these weigh in at or over the advertised weight. That’s good because if you are participating in a GORUCK [Read more …]

Slam Balls
Gym Equipment

Slam Balls

What is a Slam Ball? From the name itself, you can tell that slam balls are meant for slamming. They are weighted, rubber-coated balls that can be used in various exercises to tone and condition your muscles. They have thicker exteriors, making them perfect for high-impact throwing/slamming exercises. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Slam Balls – Overview Aside from slamming them, you can also throw, toss, hold, carry, and rotate them. They are a fantastic tool for training explosive power and enhancing conditioning. Slam balls are made from thick rubber, packed with sand, and have an air valve that discharges pressure to stop bursting. They’re intended to be slammed thousands of times without tearing and generally have a soft, shifting feel. Practically anyone can do slams with a slam ball. They are a very easy movement to execute that can be done with minimal skill yet still performed correctly under high levels of exhaustion and stress. The main target of slam dials is your core strength. While lifting the ball over your head [Read more …]

Wall Balls
Gym Equipment

Wall Balls

Let’s look at Wall Balls. We’re going to provide an overview of several different products, available from several manufacturers. The wall ball exercise is a functional, full-body movement that you can incorporate into any cardiovascular or strength workout. This exercise is commonly done as part of a CrossFit workout. But because of the outcomes it provides, this exercise is now an accessory in most fitness facilities. Here are some of the wall balls we are going to look at. We’re also going to look at Wall Ball accessories – like targets, and more. Wall Balls – Overview Wall balls are different from medicine balls and slam balls. Wall balls are generally made of vinyl, with a padded outer layer that makes them easier to catch. They come in a diversity of weights, varying from about 6 to 20 pounds. Wall ball exercises will test your cardio beyond what you’re presumably used to, and you’ll gain some serious shoulder and leg strength. The whole body takes a whipping with wall balls. The squat part of the exercise concentrates on the lower-body [Read more …]

Trap Bar for the Garage Gym
Gym Equipment

Trap Bar for the Garage Gym

Let’s look at Trap Bars – also called hex bars. Trap bars are bars bent into angles and welded into a hexagonal shape. The hexagon has two large handles combined in the center, so you can step in the middle and pick it up by the handles instead of putting it on your back. The trap bar strengthens and grows the glutes, quads, hamstrings, low-back muscles, traps, lats, and your grip, and other muscle groups. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Trap Bars – Overview Trap Bars require less technical proficiency and are simple to learn, so you can enjoy less stress on your lumbar spine than when using barbell deadlifts. Trap bars are more useful when you are learning to lift because they are user-friendly, assist with positioning, and train you about correct leg drive. The trap bar activates the quadriceps more, and this is because you are closer to your center of gravity, so your body is in a better position to lift. It is a great option if you want to [Read more …]