Rep Fitness SR-4000 Squat Rack
Let’s review the new SR-4000 Squat Rack from Rep Fitness. If you are contemplating training at home, getting a squat rack is one of the best decisions you will ever make. The squat is one of the heaviest lifts and one of the most beneficial exercises you can do to develop strength and muscle mass. It is necessary, though, to perform the squat knowing the proper form to avoid injury. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: SR-4000 Squat Rack – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Coming soon! SR-4000 Squat Rack – Overview The SR-4000 Squat Rack is a budget-friendly squat rack that offers as many benefits as you’d expect from a power rack at a fraction of the price. The unit has been redesigned to offer maximum stability with a bombproof system and updated compatibility with REP attachments. It is excellent while using the pull-up bar and gives you assurance when unracking the bar for heavy squats or bench press. [Read more …]