Nike React Metcon Turbo Training Shoe Review
Let’s take a look at the new Nike React Metcon Turbo from Nike. It’s available now from Road Runner Sports, and others. Our review pair has arrived – and we’ve done our initial testing. Nike’s first version of a React Metcon shoe was an interesting experiment. It featured a number of innovations such as a “Forged FlyKnit” upper, quick lace system, and a removable midsole based on React foam, rather than Nike’s normal dual-density foam. Did it all work? No – not in my opinion. The Forged Flyknit was bulky and uncomfortable, the quick lace system was a flop, and to top it all off, it was adorned with ostentatious NIKE text. I’m happy to say Nike has fixed all those issues with the new Nike React Metcon Turbo training shoe. Here’s some of the styles that are available now: Let’s take a look. Nike React Metcon Turbo Review – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: Overall, I’m liking this shoe – in fact, I think [Read more …]