Nike Metcon 5 AMP WETEST Fade Away Upper Shoe Review
Now that the Nike Metcon 6 is out – the Metcon 5 is getting hard to find – but Rogue Fitness still has the Metcon 5 for sale. Nike has just released an exciting new version of the Nike Metcon 5 cross training shoe – one of the best trainers for CrossFit of 2020. Here’s the brand new Nike Metcon 5 AMP with a Fade Away Upper (Also called the Nike Metcon 5 AMP WETEST (We Test.) What’s a Fade Away Upper? It’s easiest if we show you… Ok, so that’s pretty cool. The Fade Away Upper reveals underlying colors as you train over time. Nike has an unsurpassed sense of style when it comes to good looking training shoes. By the way, the official name of this is “Black/Laser Crimson/Oracle Aqua/Black” and style number CD3395-006. Let’s take a closer look. Fade Away Upper in the Nike Metcon 5 AMP In a nutshell, here’s what “Fade Away” will do. As you train from day to day, the shoe’s upper will gradually peel back its top layer, revealing the bold new [Read more …]