Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More
Let’s look at some specialty weight lifting gear – the Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More from Rogue Fitness. Free weights are functional training tools that can bring substance to your training and help you get stronger and leaner. Using different tools gives more impact and more possibility of reaching your fitness goals than simply sticking to one tool. Here are some of the zany looking workout implements from Mutt we’ll showcase: Let’s get right to it. Mutt Bars, Wheels, Cowbells, and More – Overview Free weights are more conducive and practical if you work out at home and deliver more performance benefits. Including them in your workout routine is a way to strengthen your muscles, burn fats, and become better physically, mentally, and emotionally. Free weights allow you to move in different directions, and your body has to work hard to keep the weight and manage the movement. This works numerous muscles at once and gives you a better balance and coordination. These and more are the benefits of using free weights. Check out these free weights from Rogue [Read more …]