Savage Bumper Plates from Fringe Sport
Are you doing the Oly lifts? Then you need proper bumper plates. These new Savage Bumper Plates from Fringe Sport are robust and affordable. (And they look good!) Bumper plates are advised for beginners (and experts), and even if you would not lift as much in the beginning, they are still advised just in case one drops the bar. What makes them better than iron plates is their durability, that despite the abuse you give them, you don’t have to worry about them getting cuts and cracks. They are highly recommended during any workout where you’ll need to lift and move fast, like in CrossFit. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: Savage Bumper Plates – Overview Savage Bumper Plates are easy to recognize because they have tiger stripe colors throughout them. The colors are attractive as they are also helpful. If you are in a hurry, you can easily spot the plates that you need to get a brief workout without double-checking the plates you are loading. Bumper plates are made of 100% virgin rubber, [Read more …]