New Camber Bar from Rogue – MG-4CN Narrow Multi Grip
We like camber bars – they make your training more efficient – and even better are multi-grip bars – which let you grip the bar in just the right way. Rogue has a new Camber Bar called the MG-4CN Narrow Multi Grip Camber Bar. This has a more narrow range of grip selections, as compared to their other camber bars. Rogue’s Multi-Grip Bars, including the MG-4CN Bar, are rackable on traditional power racks and compatible with Olympic plates. This kind of bar can be highly beneficial in lessening the strain on the wrists and shoulders while doing press movements and supporting the triceps for superior lockout. Get the MG-4CN Narrow Multi Grip Camber Bar, only from Rogue Fitness: MG-4CN Narrow Multi Grip Camber Bar – Overview Adapted from the design of the MG-4C Camber Multi-Grip Bar, the MG-4CN Narrow Multi-Grip Camber Bar is valued by its slimmer frame (7.1” wide vs. 10”) and shorter/thicker handles (5” long vs. 6.75” long, 32mm diameter vs. 28.5mm). The friction welded sleeves are available with 9” or 15.5” of loadable length, utilize the same [Read more …]