Rogue Fitness Jacobs Ladder - The Stairway with a user
Gym Equipment

Jacobs Ladder

Let’s describe the Jacobs Ladder gym equipment models – which you can get from Rogue Fitness. If you find treadmills boring, then you might enjoy Jacobs Ladder. The Jacobs Ladder is a ladder-like machine angled at 40 degrees with a simple design that demands and challenges you to climb its never-ending bars. This is a fun way to work out and benefit both the upper and the lower body at the same time. Is this a treadmill? Is this a ladder or cardio climber? It’s a little bit of both – we’ll describe the advantages of this workout device in this article. Here’s the models currently available: Jacobs Ladder – Overview The Jacobs ladder was mentioned in a study by the LSU School of Kinesiology as a “scientifically superior workout” to traditional treadmills. It has been frequently incorporated into the training programs of professional and collegiate sports teams, police and fire departments, military bases and academies, and numerous personal gyms, large and small. Pushing yourself hard enough on a Jacobs Ladder burns more calories and gives you more fun than [Read more …]