Battle of the Battle Ropes
Have you tried a battle rope? It looks like a shoulder injury in the making , but it’s actually a pretty tough core (and grip) workout. Check out these Battle Ropes. Battle ropes provide plenty of ways to use them, making them a must-have tool in every workout. They are great not only for cardio and conditioning exercises, but they are also excellent for giving you full-body training. They are versatile, portable, and can be used anywhere, especially when you are out of town. There’s a selection of Battle Ropes that you can try: Battle Rope Roundup – Overview Battle ropes, also known as conditioning ropes, started as a mainstay device in MMA and then CrossFit. Strength coaches and trainers now utilize them in almost every sport to train for power and explosiveness. Battle ropes are durable and resistant to weather change, making them excellent for outdoor training. Incorporating them into your training regularly helps you burn more calories as they force your heart to work harder. They also strengthen your core, help maintain balance, and prevent injuries. They also [Read more …]