GORUCK Challenge Pants

Challenge Pants from GORUCK Review

Let’s look at Challenge Pants from GORUCK. What are Challenge Pants? These are a super-tough cargo-style pants made by GORUCK. GORUCK specializes in “rucking” gear – also known as a “ruck march”. What’s rucking? It’s simply walking for distance with a heavily loaded backpack (aka rucksack – hence the name.) Do you need GORUCK pants to go on a ruck march? No, you don’t. But GORUCK has created something super-functional and useful to make what are now my favorite pair of pants- For just about anything. So, ruck if you want to – but these pants can do so much more. As I write this, I’m sitting in a hotel room at 3:52am, about to head to SEATAC to fly back home. And, of course, I’m wearing my Challenge Pants. Why? Because they are the best pants for travel. So, no matter if you are looking for workout pants, rucking pants, or just plain good athletic pants these will work. Let’s take a closer look. We’re going to use a lot of GORUCK supplied photos here – because it is [Read more …]

GORUCK Simple Pants for Women

GORUCK Simple Pants for Women Review

We’re going to take an in depth look at the GORUCK Simple Pants for women. What are Simple Pants? In short, they are GORUCK’s all-around tough and comfortable workout pants for women (there’s a version for men too.) These pants were purpose built for rucking (walking long distances with a heavily loaded backpack), travel, and more. They are expensive (relatively speaking) but they are pretty good – they may quickly become your favorite active wear. Let’s dive right in. This is a review of the following products: What is Rucking? Before we start, let’s talk about Rucking. Rucking is walking (hiking – but not just in the countryside) with a loaded backpack. The so-called “ruck march” is a key element of military and special forces training. it is simple, relatively low-impact and easy to get started. The extra weight in the backpack (we’d recommend 10 to 20 lbs for most females) provide additional resistance for your legs – but also for your upper back and upper body in general. Walking 3-5 miles with a 20 lb “rucksack” (aka a backpack) [Read more …]